Food Services Plant Dandenong
At a Glance
- Low temperature/medium temperature refrigeration capacities 96/116 kW
- Refrigerated volume 32,800 m³, freezer volume 20,400 m³
- Specific Energy Consumption 16 kWh/m³*a
- Dry expansion glycol/NH3 shell and tube heat exchanger
- Ammonia inventory <350 kg
- Desiccant dryer in the freezer
- Completion 2018

This refrigeration system refrigerates a food service plant in Dandenong, Victoria. This is the first and only plant where a dry expansion shell and tube NH3/glycol heat exchanger has been employed.
A dry expansion NH3/glycol heat exchanger is an option for those meatworks that are required to eliminate ammonia refrigerant in boning room evaporators. can The shell and tube heat exchangers can be located in the ceiling cavity and used for gradual conversion to glycol with minimal disruption to operations. The associated capital expenditure may be spread over several budget periods.
Scantec Refrigeration Technologies have designed and installed several other similar refrigeration plants in Colmslie, Cairns and Richlands.
We design and install refrigeration projects Australia-wide and have also had extensive involvement in international projects. Click here to read more about our projects.
Scantec, are refrigeration experts in design and installation. To enquire about a new industrial or commercial refrigeration plant for your business or to discuss an energy-efficient upgrade or retrofit, click here to contact us today or call 07 3890 9400