IIAR Energy Performance Benchmarking
In 1970, the U.S. ammonia refrigeration industry faced a big problem. A proposed change to the National Electrical Code (NEC) would have required the use of explosion-proof equipment in ammonia refrigeration engine rooms — a measure that would have proved ruinously expensive for the industry while doing little if anything to improve industry safety.
In order to develop a strategy for defeating this code change, the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) was formed. With a purpose to promote the safe and sustainable use of natural refrigerants, their main mission is to provide advocacy, education, and standards for the benefit of the global community in the safe and sustainable design, installation and operation of ammonia and other natural refrigerant systems.

In the latest issue of the IIAR Condenser magazine, our Managing Director Stefan Jensen, who is also an IIAR Board Member, has written an article on ‘Why IIAR Needs Energy Performance Benchmarking More Than Ever’.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has called for an improvement in the energy efficiency of air conditioners of 50% by 2030. The Global Cooling Prize targets an improvement in the energy efficiency of air conditioners by a factor of five.
Huge public and private sector investments are targeting the de-carbonization of the electricity grid. Private sector investments in photovoltaic panels have reached unprecedented growth rates in some nations.
Norway banned the use of fossil fuel for space heating in 2020. Several major vehicle manufacturers have signalled the discontinuation of the internal combustion engine by 2030.
The ammonia refrigeration industry will not be immune to these challenges. The Paris Climate Treaty, which targets carbon neutrality 2050, will force legislators and regulators to focus their efforts where the rubber hits the road – namely at minimum energy performance benchmarking. What is minimum energy performance benchmarking?
To read the IIAR article ‘Why does IIAR need energy performance benchmarking more than ever’ (page 22-23) in full click here.